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Removal of "Pork Chop" Islands at Los Altos Intersection Thursday Night

Tonight starting at 8 p.m., crews will remove the existing "pork chop" islands on the west side of the Los Altos Parkway intersection near Walmart to build the foundations for the new traffic signals.

Pork chop islands are triangular raised islands placed between a right-turn slip lane and through-travel lanes. They channelize vehicular traffic and provide a refuge for pedestrians crossing a roadway, where they can wait for the WALK phase of a pedestrian signal.

During this time, between 8 p.m. Thursday and 6 a.m. Friday, the following traffic changes will occur:

  • The Los Altos Parkway/Pyramid Way intersection will be FLASHING RED. Drivers should treat the flashing red intersection like a four-way stop.

  • Pedestrians to/from Walmart will use the opposite side of the street of construction; follow pedestrian signs

  • Single-lane closures on both NB and SB Pyramid

All traffic changes will revert to normal operations Friday by 6 a.m.

Crews will start working on the southwest corner.

Pedestrians will use the north side of the intersection.

Then, crews will move to the northwest corner.

Pedestrians will use the south side of the intersection.

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